Math Competitions

SmartKids Prepares Grade K-12 students for Math competitions and selection is based on the Assessment test taken by us. The goals of Program include:
To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems
To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity
To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics
To teach major strategies for problem solving
To introduce Mathematical concepts & Formulas
To learn math techniques and solve word problems.
Math Competitions:
Math Counts
American Math Competition (AMC 8 & 10)
Math Bee & Kangaroo
Math Olympiad
Other Math Competitions
Math Competitions
Math Counts
American Math Competition (AMC 8 & 10)
SmartKids Math Bee & Kangaroo
Math Olympiad
Other Math Competitions

AMC 10
Math Counts

Math Counts (Elementary & Middle Schoolers)
Art of Problem Solving
Math Bee & Kangaroo

Math Bee
Math Kangaroo
SmartKids Math Bee
Other Bees (NSF, ...etc.)
Math Olympiad

Math League
SmartKids Math Olympiad contest